How Can Turkish Citizens Live in France?

France Residency Card (“Carte de Séjour”)

Two pathways for a Turkish Citizens to gain a Residency Card

There are two pathways for a Turkish national to gain a Residency Card (“Carte de Séjour”) in France.

The French Talent Passport for Investors (FTPI) requires a commitment of at least EUR 300,000 and grants a renewable 4-year Residency Card.

The French Start-Up Visa (FSUV) is for entrepreneurs with innovative ideas that will encourage economic growth and therefore requires the commitment of a designated organization and a minimum of EUR 195,000. It also grants a renewable 4-year Residency Card.

France Residency Card Carte de Séjour
France Residency Card
Carte de Séjour

Who is Included in the French Visas? Do they Lead to Citizenship? How Long Does It Take?

Both programs are suitable for qualifying Turkish nationals and allow the inclusion of dependents, who are defined as a spouse and children up to the age of 18. Typically, processing takes only 3 months. They confer the right to live, work, and study. There is no language or education requirement and it can lead to permanent residency or French citizenship after 5 years. It should be noted that citizenship is subject to a language requirement and mandatory residency in France prior to applying.

What are the Advantages of Living in France?

There are a number of benefits to living in France for people from Türkiye. The first is travel. As a resident, you have free access to all 26 Schengen countries (most of Europe) for a period of up to 6 months each year (90 of every 180 days). If you choose to later gain citizenship, the French passport is among the world’s top 10 for access and will give you visa-free entry to around 70 more countries than a Turkish passport (

Living in France, can I use French Medical and Educational Services?

A second advantage is the availability of what is ranked by WHO as the world’s best healthcare system. Even more, as doctor’s visits, hospitals, and medication are all heavily subsidized by the government, it is inexpensive and often close to free. Similarly, France has one of the best education systems of any European state, at all levels, up to and including some of the finest universities.

Again, they are all well-funded by the government, so there are no damaging student loans. Further, transport is both government-supported and, if you are travelling to or from work, your employer is required to pay 50% of the cost. All of these services are exceptional and significantly superior to those of Türkiye.


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    Is France a Nice Place to Live?

    There are also a number of less tangible benefits. Geographically, France is a country of great diversity, from Mediterranean beaches to alpine ski runs, dazzling cities and architecture; exquisite lakes; and some of the most beautiful farmlands, vineyards, and forests in the world, even today.

    The food is famous and the wines are justifiably regarded as the best in the world. It is also embedded in a culture and history of great richness, which those from Türkiye, similarly endowed, can well appreciate.

    What is Working in France Like?

    There is far more job security than there is in Türkiye, indeed than almost any other country, due to legal restrictions on removing employees. Moreover, there is an excellent work-life balance, with excessive overtime discouraged and employers required to make penal overtime payments to those they require to work extra hours.

    The country is also politically more stable, and civil rights are better respected. scores these two areas at 74 and 84 in France, in the very top group globally, versus 34 and 36 in Türkiye, a great deal lower.

    Are Living Costs and Taxes Very high?

    Nor are living costs as expensive as might be thought, if there is a little practicality and planning. Living in Paris is definitely very costly. However, the rest of France is significantly more affordable in terms of rent, food, and other outlays. Besides, salaries are also significantly superior, more than 4 times greater in France than in Türkiye.   

    France rightly has a reputation for high taxes, though in compensation you do get a remarkable level of service. The education, health, and transport systems have already been highlighted, but the overall infrastructure is also excellent.

    How Do I Get Advice?

    As Guillaume Matz, Partner at Harvey Law Group, explained in an interview from their Paris office, “The paperwork, details, and requirements for these French visas can be quite intricate and some of the areas might even be considered arcane. We do recommend you get professional advice to explain these details and assist with your application.” 

    Harvey Law Group (HLG) is a leading multinational law firm founded in 1992 by Jean-François Harvey. With over 20 offices worldwide, HLG is one of the foremost providers of professional and comprehensive legal advice on investment immigration law and business matters, and providing assistance for more than 40 different national residency and citizenship programs. Our lawyers and staff are from 20 nationalities, speak 15 languages, and are licensed to practice in a multitude of jurisdictions. 

    If you would like more information on the French Talent Passport for Investors  or the French Start-Up Visa, please visit If you would like to discuss your plans with one of our professionals, please contact us at [email protected].    

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